List of Tropical Trees

This is a wish list of grand, majestic, stately trees
with the awesome presence of Mother Trees...
Beautiful trunks, foliage, flowers and fruits...
They each dispense and share in the magnificent Forest of Life...

From seed to seedling to teenage to maturity,
these trees want to be planted for the next 5 generations.
May they become tree beings who share life blessings,
shade, beauty, peace, oneness, foods and medicinals with many.

We are collecting seeds and offering sponsorships for seedlings.
  If you want to donate seeds or sponsor seedlings.

The Tropical Trees List is presented both as picture pages and listings.

Tropical Trees - Page 1

Blue Leaf Wattle. Acacia saligna / cyanophylla
Giant Sequoia. Sequoia giganteum
Weeping Fig Tree. Ficus benmjamina
Saucer Magnolia. Magnolia soulangiana
Silk Tree Kapok. Ceiba pentandra
Mahoi Tulip Tree. Thespesia populnea
Hawaii Mahogany Koa. Acacia koa
Magnolia Champak. Magnolia champaca
Ginkgo Tree. Gingko biloba
Cedar of Lebanon. Cedrus libani
Shower Tree. cassia fistula
Queen Myrtle. Lagerstroemia speciosa
Jacaranda. Jacaranda mimosifolia
Orchid Tree. Bauhinia purpurea
Earleaf Acacia. Acacia auriculoformis
Traveler's Palm. Ravenala madagascariensis
Chaste Tree. Vitex negundo
Red Gum Tree. Eucalyptus camadulensis
Cluster Tree. Colvillea racemosa
Madagascar Baobab. Adansonia grandidieri


Tropical Trees - Page 2

Empress Tree. Paulownia tomentosa
Rainbow Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus deglupta
Indian Sandalwood. Santalum album
Silk Floss Tree. Ceiba speciosa
Rain Tree. Samanea saman
Neem Tree. Meila azedarach
Sura. Terminalia oblonga
Black Manu. Minquiertia guianmensis
Banyan Tree. Ficus benghalensis
Mahogany. Swietenia mahagony
Pernambuco. Paubrasilia echinata
 Ron Ron. Astronium graveolens
Guayacan Trumpet. Tabebuia guayacan
White Mahogany. Vochysia guatamalensis
West Indian Cedar. Cedreia tonduzii
Spanish Cedar. Cedreia odorata
Almendro. Dipterix oleifera
Tempisque. Sideroxylon capiri
Andiroba. Carapa guianensis
Moringa. Moringa oleifera

Tropical Trees - Page 3

Guanacaste. Enterolobium cyclocarpum
Fern Tree. Schizolobium parahybum
Tulip Tree. Spathodea campanulata
Forest Flame. Delonix regia
Forest Lilac. Gliricidia sepium
Buttercup Tree. Cochospermum vitifolia
Goddess Tree. Tabebuia chrysantha
Love Tree. Bauhinia alba
Dragonblodd Tree. Pterocarpus officinalis
Ceibo Coral Tree. Erythrina critagalli
Hot Coral Tree. Erythrina abyssinica
Pora Coral Tree. Erythrina peopegiggiana

Lapacho Pau d'Arco. Handroanthus impetiginosa
Taheebo Coral. Tabebuia impetiginosa
Guachipilin. Diphysa robinoides
Madrone Tree. Arbutus menxiesii
White Dogwood.
Cerinthe major purpurascens
Moutain Gum. Eucalyptus pulverulenta

Red Sandalwood. Adenanthera pavonina
Strangler Fig. Ficus aurea

Tropical Trees - Page 4

Orchid Tree. Bauhinia monendra
Ylang Ylang. Cananga odorata
Balsa Tree. Ochroma lagopus
Pink Shower Tree. Tabebuia rosea
Palisandre Tree. Dalbergia retusa
Royal Palm. Roystonea regia
Rubber Tree. Castilla elastica
Scarlet Palm. Cyrtostachys renda
Tamarind. Tamarindus indica
Tropical Oak. Casuarina cunninghensis
Egg Tree. Tabernaemontana donnel-smithii
Cristobal Tree. Platymiscium pleiostachyum
Gallinazo. Magnolia jardinensis
Gumbo Limbo. Bursera simruba
Indian Ficus. Ficus microcarpa
Camphor Tree. Cinnamomum camphora
Lorito. Cojoba arborea
Guarumo. Cecropia obtusifolia
Indian Elm. Guazuma ulmifolia
Cortez Amarillo. Tabubeia ochracea